Timber Flooring is a lifetime investment requiring only minimum upkeep to ensure maximum longevity and enjoyment. As one of the most popular flooring types in the world, genuine solid timber flooring and engineered timber flooring can be used in several installations including residential and commercial. As a result, timber flooring may receive heavy foot traffic which can affect the condition of the material when no regular general care and maintenance is applied. As advocates of sustainable timber flooring in Perth, here are a few tips to help you clean, care and maintain beautiful timber flooring at home.
Note: This article is based on solid timber flooring with polyurethane finishes, not waxed or oiled timber floors.
Cleaning Timber Floors
Basic general cleaning of timber floors which includes dusting with a soft broom and wiping it with a slightly damp cloth must be done at least once a week to keep your floors clean.
- Vacuum or sweep regularly
- Use a microfibre mop/ timber flooring mop
- If using a rap mop, ensure that it is only slightly damp or well wrung and not fully wet
- Use PH Neutral floor cleaners or timber flooring specific cleaners
- If using an Enjo cleaning equipment, only use water with it
- Follow the grain to avoid scratching the surface
- Wipe up any spills as soon as noticed to prevent stains from sticking to your timber floors
- Don’t use a steam mop: Steam mops put excess moisture into your timber and can cause unnatural movement or instability to your flooring.
- Don’t use Bleach, Ammonia, Methylated Spirits or any harsh chemicals on your flooring: these can degrade the coating and leave your timber floors unprotected.
- Don’t use waxes or oils on polyurethane finishes
General Maintenance
To keep your timber floor in the best condition, we recommend a couple of preventative measures:
- Always be cautious when moving furniture: Never drag your furniture, and be especially careful with fridges and other heavy items.
- Place protective felt furniture pads on the bottom of all heavy furniture pieces to avoid scratching
- Felt pads on the bottom of tables chairs are essential to reduce scratching from constant movements
- Leave mats underneath swivel and rolling chairs i.e. Bar and Office chairs
- Position mats at front and back doorways to minimise dirt, mud and moisture
- Place runners in high traffic areas such as hallways and timber stairs
- Have rugs in play areas where scratching and other damage may occur
- Keep the nails of your pets perfectly trimmed
- Avoid stilettos and sharp footwear on timber areas
Timber finishes can also change colour slightly depending on the finish and how much light the timber is being subject to. We recommend, where possible, tint windows and use blinds during peak sunlight in summer. We also recommend rotating rug placement so the timber has a chance to fade or darken with the rest of the floor.
Special Note: We strongly recommend rugs not be put on the floor until two weeks have passed since the final coat.
Sanding and Polishing Timber Floors
A bonus with solid timber and engineered floors is they can be sanded and polished to restore them to their original glory. Be careful when you are doing your own sanding and restoration to not damage your flooring and lessen the value of your timber floors. Timber floors can also be recoated and repolished, provided they are still in good condition and are not worn out yet.
If you feel like any cleaning and restoration to your floors cannot save your timber flooring anymore and would like brand new flooring, Floors of Distinction has a range of solid timber flooring supplies for residential and commercial flooring installation in Perth. Phone us on (08) 9418 4333 or send us an online message to get a quote.